Formation assess and assessment activities in the world and in Russia

  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Flick E.G.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


Methodology and general organization of the assessment in Russia was one of the most complete and well-grounded in the world. Created by the instructions, "the assessment of real estate" and "methods for describing and developing standards in the assessment of profitability" were at the highest level of experts. According to many experts, Russia at the end of the last century was at a level which Europe and America have achieved only in the sixties and seventies of the XX century. The current stage of development assessment in much the same period, Russia has already passed at the end of the last century. Profession "evaluator" is currently gaining popularity in Russia and the demand for the services of professionals in the assessment activities is undeniable.

Keywords: evaluation activities; organization estimates; appraisal profession; рrinciples and methods of evaluation; system of self-regulation of valuation activity.